What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic works because you are a self-healing, self-regulating organism controlled by your nervous system. Millions of instructions flow from your brain, down the spinal cord and out to every organ and tissue. Signals sent back to the brain confirm if your body is working right.

Improper motion or position of the moving bones of the spine called subluxation can interfere with this vital exchange by irritating nerves and compromising the function of affected organs and tissues. Specific spinal adjustments can help improve mind/body communications.

Health often returns with improved nervous system control of the body.

Pain and Health

Many people use pain and symptoms or a lack thereof to determine their state of health. While pain can be a useful tool, it is not the best barometer of our health. I can stub my toe and be in a lot of pain but not have impacted my overall health, but I may have a condition such as cancer eating away at my body and not initially experience many symptoms. Pain does not tell us what is wrong, where the problem may be, or how severe the problem is. Pain is also subjective, meaning two people with the same injury can report very different levels of pain and disability.

Health is defined by Webster’s dictionary as a state of optimum mental, physical and social well being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. Dorlan’s medical dictionary defines health as a condition of wholeness in which all the organs, systems and tissues of the body are function 100% of the time.

Chiropractic care improves function in the spine and nervous system, allowing your body to express 100% of its innate intelligence. Your nervous system controls and coordinates every function in your body. Chiropractors do not treat disease, but many conditions can be helped by chiropractic care by optimizing function of your nervous system.