Back pain is the number one leading cause of missed time at work and it is estimated that 80% of adults will experience back pain.  Often the pain can radiate to your buttock, legs, feet, and even to your toes.  The pain can be caused by injury, poor posture, lifting improperly, prolonged sitting, poor muscle balance, poor nutrition, sleeping wrong, or stress.

Whatever the cause, the result is misalignment of the joints, disks, muscles, and nerves of your spine.  The pain can be very debilitating and make it difficult to do everyday activities like walking, sitting, getting out of a chair, sleeping, personal care, child care, and household chores.

It has been said that the five most dangerous words in the English language are “maybe it will go away”.  If you wait to have your back problem evaluated, it will usually progress and you will begin to compensate for the pain.  This leads to stress and problems in other areas of your body.  This makes diagnosing and treating the problem harder and it takes more time to heal.

A chiropractic evaluation will determine the underlying cause of your problem.  X-rays may be necessary to detect degeneration and rule out underlying tumors or fractures if suspected.

We will then develop a plan to fix the problem and teach you how to prevent it from coming back.  Strength and flexibility are the keys to a healthy spine.