Whiplash is when your head is forcefully pushed forward (flexion) or backward (extension).  This typically happens in an automobile accident when your car stops but your head and neck continue to move until the seat, seat belt, or airbags stop you.  Studies have shown that even in low impact collisions of 5-15 mph, tremendous force is placed on your body from sudden acceleration and deceleration.

The damage caused from whiplash can be to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, discs, and nerves.  Fractures or head injuries should be seen immediately in a hospital or urgent care facility.  Early intervention with chiropractic care is important and will focus on limiting swelling and inflammation while helping reduce pain.  As your body starts to heal, treatment will shift to increasing mobility and returning to normal function.  Lastly we will work to improve strength and flexibility to prevent long term degenerative changes.  It is common in more severe cases to have several health professionals working together with your chiropractor to achieve the best outcome.